NEWS ARCHIVE 2006 - 09

BREMAN ASIKUMAGhanaians urged to live in peace for development

The Reverend Minister in charge of the Breman Asikuma Ghana Baptist Convention Church, Rev. Patrick Nyampong, has urged Ghanaians to let the birth of Christ rekindle them to live in peace with one another towards the development of the nation.

Date Created : 12/29/2009 5:17:52 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The Reverend Minister in charge of the Breman Asikuma Ghana Baptist Convention Church, Rev. Patrick Nyampong, has urged Ghanaians to let the birth of Christ rekindle them to live in peace with one another towards the development of the nation.   

He said it was through peace that the country could develop, adding that no country could develop when it is at war.   

Rev. Nyampong made the call in a sermon he delivered at a Christmas Church Service, to celebrate the birth of Christ, on Friday, at Breman Asikuma.   

It was under the theme "Why celebrating Christmas".   

He urged Ghanaians to use the opportunity to re-unite with friends
and families and also give peace a chance in the country.   

He urged Ghanaians to desist from anti-social activities, including
drunkenness, fighting and indiscriminate sexual acts during the Christmas festivities.   

Rev. Nyampong said the birth of Christ brought salvation, hope and freedom to mankind so that they may have faith in God.   

He appealed to Ghanaians to come together as one people and
contribute towards the development of the country.