NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

S TONGU: Assembly to rollout CHPS per electoral area programme

The South Tongu District Assembly is looking forward to liaising with the District Health Directorate to roll out one community-based health planning services (CHPS) Compounds per electoral area programme in the district.

Date Created : 5/19/2014 2:47:12 PM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The South Tongu District Assembly is looking forward to liaising with the District Health Directorate to roll out one community-based health planning services (CHPS) Compounds per electoral area programme in the district.

Announcing this to Assembly members and heads of decentralized departments in the district at a meeting, Mr. Samuel Mawuko Eworyi, South Tongu District Chief Executive said the move is in line with government’s policy of increasing access to quality health delivery.

He said provision of these CHPS Compounds would greatly increase access to Health care, especially in deprive Communities and cut down distances, the citizens would travel to access health care. “The CHP Compound would play prominent role to readily reduce Maternal Mortalities in the district”, he added.

With two major hospitals to cater for referrals and other major health cases the new concept is just right to ensure that villages are well served since that is where the major health concerns are because of poor road accessibility and even ambulances to facilitate transportation to the major hospitals.  Currently, there are eleven CHPS compounds scatted in various communities in the district.

Since more facilities require additional personnel to cater for the patients, Mr. Eworyi also indicated the readiness of the assembly to regularly liaise with the Ministry of Health for staff and other ancillary personnel.