NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

KWAEBIBIREM:DCE calls for interest in developing district

The Kwaebibirem District Chief Executive, Emmanuel Reginald Aboagye Osae has called on all citizens and well wishers to develop interest in the District and contribute their quota towards the growth of the district.

Date Created : 3/26/2014 10:09:23 PM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The Kwaebibirem District Chief Executive, Emmanuel Reginald Aboagye Osae has called on all citizens and well wishers to develop interest in the District and contribute their quota towards the growth of the district.

He said the district has seen quantum leap in terms of expansion and quality of major social amenities like water, schools and health infrastructure over the past 25 years while service provision and industrialization also saw great expansion leading to the establishment of two commercial banks, four rural banks and other financial services.

Mr Osae was addressing the chiefs and people of the Kwaebibirem District at the 25 anniversary of the District held on theme: “Sustaining Development”.

According to him, the theme is to drive home the message that development should meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their own need. "Our commitment to sustainable development shall persist and we shall ensure that development in the district meet the needs of the present generation and the generation yet unborn" he emphasized.

The DCE was full of praise for all individuals who played vital roles in the past 25 years especially the past DCEs particularly Yaw Boakye-Yiadom and Presiding Members, as well as all those who played pioneering roles for the establishment of the district including Osagyefo Kuntukuniku,  Okyehene, Mr & Mrs Owusu-Nimoh of blessed memory, Barima Gyakorang Adu-Twum II (aka., Kofi Show) and a host of others for their efforts, time and energy in bringing the district this far.

"We are particularly grateful to them because the assembly faced teething problems including lack of good drinking water, poor road network, lack of social amenities, inadequate health facilities, and low economic activities at the time yet they stood their ground.  Their efforts, commitment and dedication have helped in moving the district from rich rural roots to one of the most innovatively friendly and focused development districts in the Eastern Region.  Major towns like Kade, Asuom, Pramkese, Takyiman, Abaam are fast becoming urbanized leading to increased population and economic activities than it used to be ten years ago", Mr Osae stated.

He however, reminded Nananom, staff of the assembly and all stakeholders of the works ahead of them in trying to improve the lives of the people and appealed for cooperation in achieving development.

Dominic Shirimori/