Assembly hands over four newly constructed school blocks

The Kassena-Nankana West District Chief Executive, Gerard Ataogye, has in a spate of two days, handed over some four newly constructed schools across communities in the district.

Date Created : 7/18/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Peter Atogewe Wedam/ Ghanadistricts

These schools included the Chania R/C Primary School, which is a 6-unit classroom block with ancillary facilities comprising a 6-seater water closet toilet fitted with a mechanized borehole, hand-washing bay and a poly tank reserviour and the Paga English and Arabic Primary School; also having the same compliment of facilities.

The two schools, which were constructed in U-Shape design, were awarded somewhere in November 2022 and completed towards the end of June, 2023.

Handing over these first two schools on Wednesday July 12, 2023, the DCE revealed that the projects were solely funded by the Government of Ghana and that, this indicated Government’s resolve to provide an adequate and conducive environment for teaching and learning. He stated that, the Nana Addo-led administration intends not to leave any community behind as far as education was concerned.

The handing over of the last two schools took place on Thursday, July 13, 2023, with the first in the Sakaa community where the new Sakaa Junior High School block with facilities including a head teacher’s office, store room and a staff common room as well as a 6-seater water closet toilet, mechanized borehole and an overhead water storage poly tank, was handed to the community and authorities of the Ghana Education Service.

Meanwhile, the newly built St. Oscar’s R/C Primary School in Kajelo, marked the final destination of the DCE and his team in the day. Here too, the project was a 6-unit classroom block with ancillary facilities comprising a 6-seater water closet toilet fitted with a mechanized borehole, hand-washing bay and a poly tank reserviour.

Addressing school authorities and community members at the separate venues, Hon. Ataogye charged parents and community leaders to pay regular visits to the schools to check on their wards and to also learn of the challenges of the schools in order to know the kinds of support the community can extend to the authorities to enhance academic work.

He said by putting up these great school infrastructure with accompanying modern water and hygiene facilities, it was now the responsibility of the school pupils, parents and teachers to ensure that, very excellent academic results emanate from these schools.

The DCE commended Mohadams Karimus Company Ltd., the contractor for both the Saaka and Kajelo projects, as his technical officers certified and confirmed that, the two projects were delivered according to contract specifications. He however noted that, within six months from the handing over date, any defects in the buildings would still be the responsibility of the contract, to fix.

The District Director of Education Mr. George Bebuga Woyongo in his remarks observed that, the contracts did not include provision of furniture and explained that in the interim, the students will have to move into the new infrastructure with their old furniture.

He gave assurance however that, the Ministry of Education sends quotas to the various directorates across the country and that, when such furniture arrives in the district, the new schools will be a priority. He said additionally, the Assembly also procures such furniture periodically and he would ensure some pieces get distributed to the newly constructed schools.

Mr. Woyongo tasked the community and the Parent Teacher Associations to collaborate with school authorities to keep the school blocks and all their installations in good shape so as to prolong their life span.

Whilst Headmistress of the Kajelo R/C Primary, Madam Susana Ayiadana praised Government for the new school block and appealed to the assembly to undertake major renovation works on a dilapidated teachers’ quarters, the Headteacher of Sakaa JHS Mr. Abongo Robert, complained of some miscreants within the Sakaa community defecating in the school and destroying locks to the classrooms and urged the Assembly to help provide security for the school, especially during the night.

It is however worthy to note that, all the new school blocks handed over, have been connected to the national electricity grid and are also, user-friendly to persons living with disabilities.