Wenchi MCE inspects projects

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Alexander Obour Damoah, has paid a working visit to inspect some selected projects being undertaken in the Wenchi Municipality.

Date Created : 1/16/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Stanick Amuzu Kpodo/

The project inspection tour formed part of the periodic monitoring activities of the Chief Executive to assess the progress of infrastructural development projects being executed in the Municipality to improve the socio-economic life of the people.

The Team inspected construction works on projects such as Health Projects; (Female and Male and Children's Ward at Buoku), reshaping of Buoku - Ahwene - Asuofiri feeder road, Tromeso - Nyanpongnase feeder road, 6-Unit Classroom Block with ancillary facilities completed at Amoakrom and ongoing lockable market stores project at the Old Station.

The rest are MELCOM Shopping Mall project under construction opposite the main old station, water closets toilet & urinal facilities completed at the old Market, 12 seater water closets toilet completed at aswaq cluster of schools, mechanized borehole and 5,000-litre capacity water tank with concrete stand completed at the New Market, the Sports Field under construction.

The projects were under various stages of completion.

The MCE was impressed about the progress of work on the projects. He expressed his optimism and assured the people that the other projects would soon be completed for use.

He further challenged contractors yet to complete their projects to speed up work and hand over for commissioning and subsequent use.

He reiterated that the projects were part of the priorities of the Assembly to enhance the living standards of the people.

The Municipal Coordinating Director Douglas N.K Annoful, Heads of Department, Assembly Members of the beneficiary communities, the Traditional Council and other Stakeholders joined the MCE's visit.