NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

KUMBUNGU: President’s nominee rejected

Alhaji Iddi Manzah Mahama, President’s nominee for the position of District Chief Executive (DCE) for Kumbungu on Monday failed to secure the needed votes to assume the position.

Date Created : 2/11/2014 5:21:05 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

Alhaji Iddi Manzah Mahama, President’s nominee for the position of District Chief Executive (DCE) for Kumbungu on Monday failed to secure the needed votes to assume the position.

At the end of voting by assembly members at Kumbungu, Mr Manzah Mahama polled 20 votes out of 35 votes cast, representing 57 per cent, a percentage that fell short of the two-thirds majority required to win the position.

Mr Manzah Mahama, therefore became the first DCE nominee to be rejected under the administration of President John Mahama in the Northern Region after 17 others were confirmed.

He, however, can be renominated for confirmation.

The election was supervised by officials from the Electoral Commission led by its Deputy Northern Regional Director, Mr Benjamin Banabio.

Regional and Kumbungu Constituency Executives of the National Democratic Congress and some chiefs and people of the district witnessed the ceremony.

Mr Bede Ziedeng, Northern Regional Minister described the action of the assembly members as depicting the essence of democracy at the local level.

After the votes, there was a confrontation between supporters of the rejected nominee and those who did not support him forcing personnel from the Ghana Police Service to intervene to restore calm.

Mr Manzah Mahama was the DCE for the former Tolon/Kumbungu District until in 2011 when the Kumbungu District was carved out of the Tolon/ Kumbungu.