NEWS ARCHIVE 2006 - 09

JAMAN NORTH : Brong Ahafo Civil Servants attend Decentralisation workshop

The German Technical Co-operation (GTZ) in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development has organized an orientation workshop on Ghana’s decentralization concept and the preparation of the district medium-term development plans and budget for civil society organizations in the Brong Ahafo Region.

Date Created : 9/29/2009 5:28:14 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The German Technical Co-operation (GTZ) in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development has organized an orientation workshop on Ghana’s decentralization concept and the preparation of the district medium-term development plans and budget for civil society organizations in the Brong Ahafo Region.

The five-day training workshop was attended by 45 participants drawn from Non-Governmental and Community Based Organisations, as well as Municipal and District budget, finance and planning officers.

It was aimed at equipping the participants with the requisite skills and knowledge so they could actively engage in development planning at the district level, and also to assist in programme monitoring and evaluation.

They were taken through topics including district development plans and programmes and the roles that CBOs and NGOs must play in participatory bottom-up approach to planning.      

In an opening address, Regional Economic Planning Officer, Mr. Mike Kraku, said the workshop was necessary due to the important role civil organisations play in the decentralization process.

He advised the participants to take the workshop seriously in order to harness the development prospects of their respective districts.
Mr. Emmanuel Tettey, a facilitator, noted that decentralization involved the transfer of power, resources and functions to the local level.
“Decentralization and decentralized planning involve stakeholders in decision making for local implementation that go hand-in-hand with transparency and accountability”, he said.
He impressed on the civil society groups to serve as watchdogs to public officials and to create a platform for checks and balances.
The participants called on the government to stop deducting portions of the district assemblies common fund at source, to enhance the decentralization system.