Development will be evenly spread in Asokwa -MCE assures

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Asokwa in the Ashanti Region, Mr. Akwannuasa Gyimah has said that the Assembly has devised some strategy to evenly spread projects in the municipality.

Date Created : 8/21/2019 2:29:26 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/Ghanadistricts

He noted that, the Asokwa Municipal Assembly is daily devising ways and means to carry out developmental projects such as mechanized bore holes, clinics, bridges, roads and school infrastructure in the communities to ensure that the people within the area have basic amenities to make their lives comfortable.

The MCE said work on projects like the Asokwa Presbyterian and the Sukuria Islamic Basic Schools are progressing steadily.

The MCE addressing the media, also stated that, projects like the bore-hole construction in various Electoral Areas have been undertaken as part of the second quarter projects earmarked by the Assembly and assured that all the Electoral Areas in the municipality to keep faith with the Assembly as the projects earmarked for them would be carried through.

He stressed that no community would be overlooked in terms of the extension development projects in the municipality.

“I am determined to lead the Assembly in such a manner that no electoral area will be denied projects or development” he said.


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