Lawra: Rainstorm renders many homeless

Lawra senior High school in the upper west region was hit by a rain storm on Monday at 4pm, The girls dormitory upper block was badly damaged, the roof ripped off ,electrical works completely destroyed and students properties damaged.

Date Created : 4/5/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Rosemary O. Yeboah/Ghanadistricts.com

Some other residential accommodations including government bungalows and citizens residence shops were destroyed.

A female dormitory of Lawra senior High school ripped off by the rainstorm rendering hundreds of students packing and putting up with their colleagues in the other dormitories in the school.

In an interview with Ghanadistricts.com, the Municipal Coordinating Director Mr. Mohammed A. Majeed said, The Assembly and The Municipal Director of the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) was in the school to have first-hand information of the level of destruction and disclosed that his outfit will see how best to attend to the affected homes and the school later

The authorities of the school are therefore calling on the government and the general public to come to their aid to help restore normal life of students on campus and to ease academic and boarding school life for the affected students.