Classrooms deficit affecting teaching and learning-Assemblyman

Mr. Benjamin Kobina Kunfiri Bukari the Assembly Member for Loho Electoral Area in the Nadowli-Kaleo District has called on the government and benevolent individuals and organizations to help provide the Loho Tendamba Primary School with school block to solve the classroom deficit which is affecting teaching and learning.

Date Created : 8/23/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

He said the school has only three classrooms serving primary one to six and the situation has compelled some of the school children to share classrooms with the Kindergarten children.

Mr. Kunfiri Bukari stated that school pupils also walk from Loho to attend school at the Loho junction, which has also caused congestion in those classrooms, adding that “our wish is that all children at old Loho will attend school here and those at the Loho R/C at the Loho junction will also be there to reduce congestion“, he added

However, Mr. Fredrick Amora, the Unit Committee Chairman for the Electoral Area said the congestion in the classrooms in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic has put the health of the children at risk.