NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

KUMAWU: Traditional Council meets DCE, Assembly Members

The Kumawu Traditional Council has met the District Chief Executive, Samuel Asiamah and nine assembly members within the traditional area on Monday, 31st March, 2014 at the Kumawu Manhene’s Palace.

Date Created : 5/26/2014 8:22:38 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The Kumawu Traditional Council has met the District Chief Executive, Samuel Asiamah and nine assembly members within the traditional area on Monday, 31st March, 2014 at the Kumawu Manhene’s Palace.

The meeting called at the instance of the traditional council was to afford the DCE and the assembly members the opportunity to brief the council, the activities and projects they have undertaken over the last four years.

Welcoming the DCE and the assembly members, the Acting President of the Traditional Council, Nana Pepra Koduah II told the assembly members in particular to use their good offices to initiate development projects.

"As assembly members you need to be innovative in coming out with ideas to develop your communities”, Nana admonished. He said organizing communal labour to clean up one’s community was not capital intensive and therefore was not necessary to depend on the central government or the district assembly.

“You can also organize fund-raising activities in your various communities to generate funds for development projects without necessary depending on the assembly”, the Acting President stressed further.

Nana Koduah II also tasked the assembly members to write a report on their achievements and other projects they have embarked on. He said due to the late start of the meeting, a different date would be scheduled to enable each assembly member to brief the council on their activities and achievements for the past four years. They are also to submit their report to the registrar of the traditional council within two weeks. Adding, “this will enable the council and your electorate to assess your performance”.

The Acting President also appealed to the DCE to ensure that ongoing projects in the Kumawu Township were completed within stipulated time. For example, Nana Koduah bemoaned the delay completion of projects like the construction of a lorry station at Kumawu, the street naming exercise, construction of speed ramps and extension of electricity poles to the newly developing areas of the town.

The queen mother for the area, Nana Amponsah Serwaah II on behalf of the traditional council commended the DCE and the assembly members for responding to their invitation.

She also appealed to the assembly members to pay regular visit to their respective chiefs to brief them on the various activities being undertaken.

Nana Serwaah also described the meeting between the traditional council, and the DCE and the assembly members as a healthy development and prayed that it becomes a regular affair.

Responding to the concerns raised by Nana Koduah II, the DCE, Hon Samuel Asiamah appealed to nananom to be patient because the assembly was working hard to complete the various ongoing projects.

He said, the assembly was in constant touch with the contractor working on the lorry station to expedite action on its completion.

On the street naming exercise, the DCE told nananom that preparations were so far at the budgeting stage and that work would begin soon. Concerning the construction of the speed ramps, the DCE said at the last meeting of the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council, Kumawu Township was selected among other towns in the region to benefit from the construction of speed ramps.

The DCE also used the opportunity to introduce the four newly officers posted to the district.

They included Mr. Anthony Kwenin, the District Co-ordinating Director; Mr. Justice Samuel Servugu, District Health Director; Mr. Isaac Gyamfi, Physician Assistant at the Kumawu Health Center and Mr. Isaac Odoom Egyin, District Information Officer. Also among the DCE’s entourage were Mr. Daniel Agyeman, District Finance Officer and Mr. Stephen Osei Boateng, District Engi

In all, nine assembly members attended the meeting. They include Samuel Agyekum, Woraso Electoral Area and a Presiding Member; Kwasi Dankwah, Market Square Electoral Area; Believer Nkrumah, Bodomase/Etia Electoral Area; and Kwame Aboagye, Kumawu Apibiakyer Electoral Area.

The rest were Henry Donkor, Kumawu Electoral Area; Amponsah Gyebi, Ahenbronum Electoral Area; Ohene Ntow, Wonoo Electoral Area and Owusu Afram, Abotanso Electoral Area.
Isaac Odoom Egyin/