NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

JASIKAN: MMDAs urged to look beyond statutory receipts

Ms Helen Adjoa Ntoso, Volta Regional Minister, has entreated municipal and district assemblies in the region to innovate mobilising from their local resources than the over-reliance on the statutory receipts such as the district assemblies common fund (DACF) and the district development facility (DDF).

Date Created : 4/28/2014 11:39:41 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

Ms Helen Adjoa Ntoso, Volta Regional Minister, has entreated municipal and district assemblies in the region to innovate mobilising from their local resources than the over-reliance on the statutory receipts such as the district assemblies common fund (DACF) and the district development facility (DDF).

She said this was necessary as mobilising local resources could facilitate the recurrent expenditure as well as embark on capital projects, including building new markets and constructing feeder roads.

Addressing the Assembly meeting at Jasikan, which coincided with a familiarisation tour, Ms Ntoso asked the assemblies to devise strategies towards collecting rates on properties.

She said the Regional Coordinating Council (VRCC) would continue to facilitate the training of revenue collectors to shore up their internally generated funds (IGF), in addition to performing its supervisory roles by providing technical assistance, monitoring and evaluation.

The Regional Minister urged the assemblies to take seriously the DDF FOAT assessment recommendations to bolster an increase in the facility to the assemblies.

Ms Ntoso commended the Jasikan Assembly for mobilising a total of GH 96,327 out of a projected budget of GH 91,774 representing 105 percent, entreating staff to redouble measures at expanding the scope of sources of its IGF.

Mr Killian Abroampah, Jasikan District Chief Executive declared the support of the assembly to the Minister, promising his personal and collective commitment of staff to turning the local economy around to the benefit of members in the district.

Ms Ntoso, earlier addressed heads of department of the Hohoe Assembly, asking them to eschew the syndrome of pull-me-down, denounce laziness and be servants of the people to accelerate development.