NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

DENKYEMBOUR:Assembly confirms nominee for DCE

Denkyembour District, one of five newly created districts in the Eastern Region now has a districct chief Executive in the person of Mr. Kwaku Ofori Abrokwa.

Date Created : 10/18/2012 11:57:48 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

Denkyembour District, one of five newly created districts in the Eastern Region now has a districct chief Executive in the person of Mr. Kwaku Ofori Abrokwa.

Mr. Kwaku Abrokwa received an overwhelming endorsement from all 33 Assembly members representing 100% of the total vote cast.

Denkyebour was recently curved out of the Kwaebibirem District where Mr. Kwaku Ofori Abrokwa served as the Presiding Member until his new appointment.

In his acceptance speech, the first DCE for the new district expreseed gratitite to the President for giving him the opportunity to serve under his government.He also thanked the assembly members for the confidence reposed in him and pledged to work to bridge the gap between the two leading political parties for a sustainable accelerated development of the district.

He called on all stakeholders to make meaningful contributions anchored by unity of purpose to bring the needed change in the lives of citizens in the district.

other high profile personalities who witnessed the occasion were the deputy Eastern Regional Minister, Ebenezer Okletey Terlabi, deputy Tourism Minister, Baba Jamal and the DCE for Kwaebibirem. 

Dominic Shirimori/ 



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