NEWS ARCHIVE 2006 - 09

OFFINSO NORTH :Way forward for district assemblies.

Mr Augustine Collins Ntim,Member of Parliament for Offinso North, has proposed the formation of strategic committees to direct local assemblies towards accelerated economic growth.

Date Created : 11/19/2009 4:16:31 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

Mr Augustine Collins Ntim,Member of Parliament for Offinso North, has proposed the formation of strategic committees to direct local assemblies towards accelerated economic growth.

These committees, he said, should include the Chief Executives, Planning Officers, traditional authorities, other opinion leaders and those with the expertise to contribute towards the objectives of the committee.

Mr Ntim was speaking on, "The Way forward for District Assemblies," in an interview with the Ghana News Agency.

He said: "The time has come to rope in people with ideas for the effective running of the assemblies, saying that, the committee could deal with issues of taxation, land demarcation and compensation.

Mr Ntim appealed to the government to increase the assemblies’ Share of the common fund to 40 per cent to enable them to achieve their goals.

He said countries such as Kenya and Uganda who modeled their Local Government Systems on Ghana’s, had allocated 40 per cent to their respective local administration.

Mr Intim said the increase would be one way to fight poverty at the local level.