BANDA: “Every day is sanitation day” – DCE reminded residents

One of the things that usually slows down development is outbreak of diseases.

Date Created : 12/8/2017 1:24:02 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori/Ghanadistricts.com

The effects are that not only does such outbreaks affect finances of the people because money would be involved in dealing with the outbreak, but more seriously is the fact that the very human resources that should work are denied that good health that will enable them to work.

Outbreaks in most cases are results of insanitary environmental or personal hygiene conditions especially when people allow their environment to be engulfed with filth.

Most assemblies have tried to ensure cleanliness in their jurisdiction but not much is achieved mostly because of lack of laws to offer punitive punishment to people who litter the environment.

However, the launch of the National Sanitation Day y the President on 13th November, 2017 that declared that ‘Every day is sanitation day’ has renewed the spirit of cleanliness, and assemblies have decided to put their byelaws into action ensure success of environmental sanitation.

In the Banda District Assembly in the Brong Ahafo Region, the District Chief Executive, Mary Konneh has charged the Environmental Health Unit of the Assembly to live up to expectation especially with regard to house to house inspections to compel those who will not voluntarily clean their surroundings to do so.

“Cleanliness is said to be next to Godliness and there is no gainsaying that we are losing our sense of cleanliness as a country”. She therefore urged the people to prioritize hygiene to save the district from any diseases outbreaks.


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