Nkwanta residents worried over engulfing filth

Residents in some suburbs of Nkwanta have expressed their worry about their health as filth begins to engulf their communities.

Date Created : 11/4/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Patience Tawiah/Ghanadistricts.com

Residents of Nsana Zongo, Market, Police station, NIB down and NKWANSEC AREA said Zoomlion containers placed at vantage points in the suburbs were full without being conveyed while community members continue to add more refuse.

Speaking to some of the residents during a visit to some of the areas by the Ghana News Agency, they lamented the situation, adding that the unattended heaps of refuse have begun to produce unbearable stench affecting the air they breathed.

Madam Kyerewaa Brukum, a resident said the situation could result in diseases such as typhoid, cholera and malaria since it had also created an avenue for some miscreants who were defecating at the refuse dump.

These residents are calling on the Municipal Assembly to clear the areas of rubbish.

They noted that the failure on the part of the Assembly to clear the rubbish would worsen the case since the harmattan wind was likely to blow the debris into their homes.

However, all efforts made to reach authorities proved futile, but information picked up was that the Zoomlion vehicle is not in decent shape to convey the debris to the dumping site in the Municipality.