Assemblyman Appeals to Government to construct drains at Ofankor Barrier to ease flooding

Assembly Member for Ofankor South Electoral Area in the Ga North Municipality of the Greater Accra Region, Mr Denis Daniel Quashie has made a passionate appeal to the Government and Ghana Highway Authority to construct the drains to ease flooding situations in the Ofankor South area.

Date Created : 5/10/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Ghanadistricts.com/Afua Yeboah

Mr. Quashie said any time there are heavy downpours, many parts of the area floods resulting in the loss of properties running to millions of Ghana cedis.

He asked authorities to put up measures to fix flood-prone-Ofankor areas because the situation caused by the flooding waters is gradually increasing.

Speaking in an interview with Ghandistricts.com, Mr. Daniel Quashie stated that the major areas within Ofankor which need drains are Amomole, ACP, Ofankor North, Asofan etc.

He lamented that sometimes the flooding situation is serious to the extent that property owners with cars cannot access their home to safely park their cars.

Some Residents, drivers and hawkers living around Ofankor in the Ga North Municipality also called on the government to dredge gutters and also provide an effective refuse collection system in order to avert the frequent floods that extend to their roads.

The drivers who spoke to Ghanadistricts entreated the Ga North Municipal Assembly and the government to reconstruct the drainage in Ofankor Barrier to make water flow well whenever it rains.

“This is the third time I am seeing this [flooding] happen here… I believe we have Government Officials here. There have been concerns raised several times, but I see nothing happening over here. We see NADMO coming here; yet, nothing is happening,” one resident complained.

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