
Development Programmes
Logical Frame Work

Term Development Plan (MTDP) in a logical Framework or Programme/Project - Planning Matrix (PPM).
 It also includes the measuring indicators and means of verifying their achievement, as well as their underlying assumptions. 
Thematic and Sectoral Programmes

The programme purposes and outputs of the three themes and their respective sectors are summarized as follows:
Private Sector - led Competitiveness

The programme purpose of the Private Sector - led Competitiveness is to strengthen the capacities of the private sector to function as the engine of growth. The sectoral programme purpose under this theme include the following:

i.   Agriculture

The purpose of the agricultural development programme is to modernize and increase agricultural production in the municipality and ensure food security to reduce poverty. Expected outputs are:-
•    Access to credit facilities improved
•    Improved technologies adopted.
•    Marketing of agricultural products improved.
•    Extension Services increased.
•    Access to farm inputs improved.

ii.    Socio - Economic Infrastructure

The purpose is to improve access to socio-economic infrastructure in the municipality. Expected programme outputs under this sector include:
•    Electricity coverage expanded.
•    Telecommunication facilities extended
•    Road network  improved excludes.
Human Resource Development

The programme purpose is to provide quality education, improve access to and participation in education and strengthen educational management at all levels. Expected outputs include:

Teaching and learning improved.
School Infrastructure improved and increased
Stakeholders are involved in decision making and management of Schools.


The purpose of health programme is to increase access to quality health delivery in the district. The expected outputs include:
•    Quality of health service delivery improved.
•    Preventable diseases reduced.
•    Prevalence and incidence of HIV/AIDS reduced.
•    Patronage of DHIS increased


The programme purpose is to improve access to potable water in the municipality. The following results are expected:
•    Potable water extended to more communities.
•    Water facilities well managed by communities.


The programme purpose is to improve sanitation conditions. The expected results include:
•  Access to toilet facilities increased.
•  Drainage Systems in communities improved.

The Vulnerable and Excluded

The purpose of the programme for the vulnerable and excluded is to empower and intestate the vulnerable and excluded into the socio-economic life and its outputs are:-

Self - esteem and public recognition of the physically challenged improved.
Women and the physically challenged empowered. 100

Good Governance and Civic Responsibility
The programme for Good Governance and Civic responsibility aims at enhancing the efficiency and stakeholder participation in the governance of the district. The sectors include District Assembly/Local Government, and the local finances

i.  Assembly/Local Governance

The programme purpose is to enhance good governance and civic responsibilities . The expected results include:-

Capacity of the  Administration and Departments strengthened.
Integration of the decentralized departments into the District Assembly system improved.
Community participation in decision making and   implementation deepened.
Security services strengthened

ii.    Local Finances

The purpose of the programme is to improve upon collection and management of the Assembly’s Revenue. The expected outputs are:-
•    Revenue based of the Assembly increased.
•    Financial management of the Assembly improved.
•    External support increased.



Date Created : 11/29/2017 2:11:34 AM