
This section analyses the human potential, which is both a means and an end to development.  It is concerned with the services and facilities necessary to improve the living conditions of the human population.

Considering the distance between communities and the increasing number of children of school going age, access to educational facilities needs, the unbalanced spatial distribution of educational facilities are being addressed. It is worthy to note that since 1998 to 2006. Educational facilities have increased however; the facilities are still inadequate in number and are poorly staffed especially at the basic school level.

Although these are the figures provided, it has been noted that enrolment at all levels of primary school, have increased considerably as a result of the Capitation Grant and Ghana School Feeding Programme.

Adult Literacy

The Non-Formal Education Division of the Ministry of Education, which is concerned with the adult literacy, trained over 7,004 adults from 2002 to 2006. The NFED graduates also acquire skills in income generating activities, formation of cooperative societies, tree-planting, family planning as well as AIDS control.  They therefore become enlightened partners in the development process in their communities. The major problems/issues confronting the educational sector in the district are as follows:

  1. Poor educational outcomes (poor performance/results at all levels)
  2. High adult illiteracy leading to conservation towards new ideas
  3. Limited financial and geographical access to education
  4. Inadequate qualified staff (5) low enrolment in schools
  5. Inadequate teaching and learning materials at all levels
  6. Inefficient administration and management especially at the basic and J. S. S. levels.
  7. High drop-out rate in schools

It is imperative to develop and implement medium and long term programmes to address the above problems. Refer to pdf file for tables.


  • Seven classroom blocks of 3-unit each had been constructed with offices and stores. Rehabilitation of masters bungalow and a junior secondary school at the cost of ¢l81,1 18,200
  • Construction of a 3-unit classroom block with office and a store (on-going) at the cost of ¢122,929.300.9

Human Resource Development 

This section analyses the human potential, which is both a means and an end to development.  It is concerned with the service and facilities necessary to improve the living conditions of the human population.

Considering the distance between communities and the increasing number of children of school going age, access to educational facilities needs, the unbalanced spatial distribution of educational facilities are being addressed.

It is worthy to know that since 2006 to 2009, educational facilities have increased however; the facilities are still inadequate in number and are poorly staffed especially at the basic school level. Although these are the figures provided, it had been noted that enrolment at all levels of primary school, have increased considerably as a result of the Capitation Grant and Ghana Feeding Programme.

Adult Literacy

The Non-Formal Education Division of the Ministry of Education, which is concerned with the adult literacy, trained 1,475 female and 1,115 male adults from 2006 to 2009.  The NFED graduates also acquire skills in income generating activities, formation of cooperative societies, tree-planting, family planning as well as AIDS control.  They therefore become enlightened partners in the development process in their communities. The major problems/issues confronting the educational sector in the district are as  follows:

  1. Poor educational outcomes (poor performance/results at all levels)
  2. High adult illiteracy leading to conservation towards new ideas.
  3. Limited financial and geographical access to education
  4. Inadequate qualified staff and low enrolment in schools 
  5. Inadequate teaching and learning materials at all levels
  6. Inefficient administration and management especially at the basic and J. H. S levels.
  7. High drop-out rate in schools.

 It is imperative to develop and implement medium and long term programmes to address the above problems.



Key Issue

Improve the health status of the people. DA will improve access to quality Health Services, Intensify health education on malaria control (use of ITN), guinea worm, TB etc., Support NID programmes in the district, provide office and staff accommodation for the District Mutual Health Insurance Scheme and support NGO’s and CBO’s to intensify education on HIV/AIDS prevention.

Population Management

Key Issue

Control population growth rates in the District. DA will support awareness creation on family planning methods, Sensitize communities on National Identification Programme


Date Created : 11/27/2017 2:37:37 AM