
Food Crop Farming

Of a total land area of 1,130sqkm. about 60% is under regular cultivation. Rainfall is low and erratic and due to years of continuous cropping without the use of manures, the land is generally degraded, farming in the Municipality is near subsistence and farmers grow food crops such as maize, cassava, potatoes, cow pea and groundnuts. An appreciable number of farmers along Tsiyi, Kpli and Kplikpa Valleys grow rice, sugar cane and vegetables. Large quantities of vegetables i.e. green pepper (chillies) tomato, onions, okro etc. are also produced in the sandy soils along the coast extending within the residential areas in Aflao-Denu-Adafienu Zone. Tree crops like coconuts, mangoes and oil palm are also cultivated.

Animal Husbandry

Almost every household owns small ruminants and local poultry, which are reared on tree range. A nourishing "goat" market at Agbozume provides ready market for sheep, goat, and local poultry. Anoenu close to the Ghana-Togo boarder also serves as a market for livestock. An improved poultry keeping is gradually picking up in the urban centers. However, the high cost of feed and drugs is the main problem facing the poultry industry.


The sea stretching along the coastline from Aflao to Blekusu provides the source of fishing. Each year a large number of metric tons of fish are caught from the sea. Some of the important species of fish landed from the sea include anchovy, sardine, mackerel scad, frigate mackerel and horse mackerel. In land fishing is equally important at Dekpor. Fishermen, like most farmers in the district also lack capital to procure their fishing inputs. The extended part of the Keta Lagoon,  Blekusu to Aflao and beyond, provides opportunity for aquaculture activities. The Lagoon is a potential source for salt mining. Studies are on going, on the prospecting of salt mining at Adina and Agorko.

Agriculture Production

Storage, Processing and Marketing Storage of Agriculture Products
Apart from local cribs built by individual small holders to store (heir mai/.e and cow pea. no storage facility exits in the district to store food crops produced. The silo at the Ohawu Agric College compound is however not being used.

Processing of Agricultural Products

Cassava is processed into dough and gari for local consumption and lor stile at the local market. The starch component in the processing of the dough is turned into starch, biscuits and tapioca. Also the juice from the sugarcane is brewed into the local drink, Akpeteshie, for the market. Palm fruits and coconut are also use for preparing oil in Dzodze.

Marketing of Agricuilure Produce

Marketing of surplus agricultural produce is usually done in the local markets with some quantities going across the borders to Togo.    Green pepper (chillies) produced by Urban gardeners in Aflao-Denu area is exported to Britain and Europe. Onions also produced by Urban gardeners is purchased by merchants from other parts of the country including Accra. Vegetable farming is both capital and labor intensive but most farmers lack the needed investment capital.



Date Created : 11/21/2017 6:32:45 AM