
Crop Farming

The major economic activity in the district is farming. Unlike in other parts of the country, where farming is left in the hands of the elderly, people of all ages in the district are involved in farming due to the high returns derived from yam production.

The District is one of the leading producers of yam in the country. About 80% of the  working population is involved in the production of yam as either farm owners, tenants or farm labourers. This makes the yam industry the largest in the district. There is a high concentration of ’yam buying middlemen’ inthe district. These activities of middlemen offer employment to a sizeable number of the youth. However, they contribute little directly to internally generated fund of the District Assembly because they are not taxed for the yam they export from the district. They only pay tolls for carting yam from the district, which attracts minimal charges.


Fishing in the Oti River as an economic activity is fast catching in the district. A relatively sizeable number of Battors of Ewe origin engage in fishing and smoking of fish. Again, middlemen are involved in this business too. The common species of fish produced are tilapia and mudfish. The District Directorate of Food and Agriculture’s records show that an average often tonnes offish is produced annually.

The district has, enormous potential for fish farming but this is not being tapped. Fish farming, if effectively packaged and marketed to the various communities, could add to the dietary and economic well-being of farmers especially during the lean farming season.

Livestock Farming

Most households rear animals for domestic consumption. There are a few households who rear animals for commercial purposes just to supplement incomes from crop farming and other sources.

Date Created : 11/21/2017 3:37:27 AM