
Farming is the main occupation of our people in the district. This places on us an onerous responsibility as an Assembly to create the enabling environment for our people to benefit from their labour. of sanitary stools including 35 wheel barrows, 20 cutlasses, 45 rakes, 100 brass brooms 25 shovels, 55 Willington boots etc. from the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development to assist in dealing with the increasing sanitation problems in the district. 

Our major problem at the moment as far as sanitation is concerned is the dwindling number of our refuse containers, as a result of continuous burning. 10 out of 31 containers have been completely destroyed by fire,  let’s be a bit patriotic by showing keen interest in the maintenance of these valuable equipment. 

Under the 5th E.U Micro Projects, 4 unit 10 seater KVIP toilets are being constructed this year at Wechiau, Falahia Goripie and Dondoli. 2 unit 2 seater KVIPs are also being considered for Bulenga and Gurungu health centre.  Indeed, 12 seater KVIP was constructed at Jonga last year under the same programme next phase of the CWSA Project which starts next year.

A number of communities have also been provided with hand dug wells, while a lot others especially the trachoma endemic areas have been assisted to construct household latrines. We have at least, succeeded in pushing our water coverage level from 36% to 42%. At the moment, our focus is on the guinea worm and trachoma endemic communities most whom have been taken on board for the borehole facility. 

The District  wish to thank our collaborators especially CWSA, Water Vision Technology, Pronet, Water Sites Ltd, the Diocessan Development Agency etc. for their diverse contributions to the development effort of the Assembly.



Date Created : 11/17/2017 7:09:54 AM